how NOT to make it

notes from a working actor

The trials and tribulations
of Mike Vaughn

(this guy)

Archive for the 'The Bizness' Category

Admittedly, I receive promotional emails from so I can quickly peer over the fence to see what’s-what on that side of the voiceover world. Most of the time I roll my eyes at the self-hype and promises of success to new/wannabe VO talent that seems to involve more paying for seminars and conferences sponsored by than […]

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[Warning: this is overwritten, messy and filled with my stupidity… so get a nice cup of camomile tea and settle in for a long ride.] Just got Esai Morales’ election email and in one sentence he says: “…our union apparently is facing difficult financial challenges, including three years of deficit spending.” Then, two sentences later adds: […]

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Fill my Bucketz

Friday, July 27th, 2012

Working actors do (and have done) a lot of jobs that never see the light of day. But this is not one of those jobs. I’m very happy to share this quirky but fun casual game called Bucketz! Only on the iTunes store for the moment. You’ll hear my voice A LOT (maybe too much) […]

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anonymous talent?

Friday, July 27th, 2012

Thought this little tidbit might be interesting for VO talent who may or may not know that their last names aren’t always given. Background: One of my regional agents/reps, asked me to remove my full name from the audio file data (you know, where in iTunes you can see the name of the artist, album, […]

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Got this note from my former improv coach: Mike I know you’re the one to ask. What’s up with the Aftra-Sag merger? Why is everyone begging us to vote no? Will there really be no pension or health benefits? Hope you’re well. I’ve been struggling to keep my sanity around the SAG-AFTRA noise, but I […]

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A casting director that could use a hug.

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

A fellow talent forwarded me this email from a commercial casting director: Due to actors CONSTANTLY parking in our neighbors parking spots DESPITE NUMEROUS SIGNS ALL OVER THE PLACE in our lot my landlord is requiring that I PERSONALLY PAY FOR a security Guard which will cost me thousands a month. I am in a […]

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You may or may not know the following: You can post on Actors Access (and all the other actor casting sites) for free. You can conduct your search for actors with a great deal of anonymity. There is no shortage of actors willing to do anything involving a camera with little to no benefit. Is […]

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Can we just merge SAG and AFTRA already? Jesus-h.

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Remember the incident with my critique of Voice123 and their interesting response? Well, below is example of how Voice123 coulda-woulda-shoulda have handled it. The first message is the automated response you get when you quit the application process at the point they ask for a credit card (two pages in) to “register.” —————– Rich Carnahan […]

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An old friend wants good talent for his personal projects. And yeah, I’m in. Duh.

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A new voice-over adventure?

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

Help critique and/or name this new idea.

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Caught this clip a couple of weeks ago on G4 and was happily surprised by Amy Henning (creative director) and Naughty Dog’s approach to the voice acting in Uncharted 2. Check it out – specifically around 4:10: Quick background: About two years ago I got up the nerve in a VG voice session to […]

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