Pearly Gates

Voice of Hitler in animated series Pearly Gates

Pearly Gates


Mike Vaughn voices a perverted Hitler

I lived in Frankfurt, Germany during my Junior and High School years, aka, those formative years. So after living there for about 6 years I’d like to think I picked up a reasonable German accent. You be the judge.

I self-submitted for this animated project that Bo Belanger was self-producing on Actors Access. I noticed the material was filled with just the right amount of juvenile humor that I also happen to love.

The series is called “Pearly Gates” and is summarized as: “What’s the point of being good once you’ve made it into Heaven? There is none. Watch the disastrous lives of Jesus, Columbus and MLK in Heaven.”

Bo positioned Hitler more as an annoying roommate or acquaintance who has one thing on his mind. Someone you can have a 10 minute conversation with but not much more.

Bo specifically made Hitler a misunderstood sex addict. Which certainly made it a little more fun to play such an awful person at his core.

See more animation work from Mike here.

Mike Vaughn voices a perverted Hitler

February 1, 2020