The Wall

Mike Vaughn in The Wall

The Wall


Creepy Overworked Gatekeeper

I found one of my more favorite characters while shooting “The Wall.”

This might have been the second of the three films I did with director Rachel Zhou at the ArtCenter in Pasadena sometime between 2015 and 2016.

Here are some things I remember from this project:
  • I didn’t really find the entirety of this character until after rehearsals and a few takes. Pretty sure I didn’t land on the voice right away either.
  • It was a real treat to explore the edges with this character while on set, and see how it all landed on the lead.
  • The entire cast and crew were as professional as those found on big-name, big-budget sets.
  • Playing a purgatory gatekeeper, who appears to be tired of his gig. But who really loves to mess with select victims was more fun than even I imagined.

Check out my On-Camera Comedy Samples, see if you can tell which ones are student films and which ones are not. And by the way, if the price and timing is just right, I might be able to help with your student or low-budget project. 

My professional home recording studio is also used for on-camera auditions and bit roles from time to time, so let me know if you’d like to see my take on anything.


Creepy Overworked Gatekeeper


February 1, 2020